My first dynamic JavaScript assignment...a word guessing game!
Here is a simple number guessing game coded using JQuery.
Boot Camp: Week 5 Assigment
This is a fun movie trivia game incorporating JavaScript timers.
Boot Camp: Week 6 Assigment
My first assignment to create a dynamic web page utilizing APIs and AJAX.
This assignment put my recently learned Firebase knowledge to the test.
Our first group project, create an app featuring APIs. We chose the Marvel, Reddit, and OMdB APIs.
This assignment represents the beginning of my backend knowledge, using Node.js and APIs.
This assignment represents the beginning of my MySQL knowledge, using Node.js and MySQL.
This assignment put my Express knowledge to the test.
A burger "Eating" app with Node.js, Express, MySQL, and Handlebars.
Our second group project: A mobile-focused app for safer walking, featuring mySQL, Node, Javascript, ExpressJS, and Materialize.
An app that scrapes the LA Times website and returns articles.
An app built in React that searches and returns data from the Google Books API.
A Burger "Eating" app With Node.js/Express/MySQL/Handlebars