

mySQL Assignment

I am currently a student in the UT Austin Coding Bootcamp. after spending a few months on client-side development, we are beginning to learn about the back-end. Our week 14 assignment is to create a command line node app that utilizes a mySQL database. The app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store’s inventory.


  1. You will need to clone this repository.

  2. You will then need to have the MySQL open source software on your computer. I recommend using MySQL Workbench.

    • The download can be found here: MySQL Workbench download page

    • You will then need to open the bamazonCustomer.js file in a code editor and add your unique connection information.

      • Here is an example, follow the hints in the code comments if you need help:
        • host: “localhost”,
        • port: 3306,
        • user: “root”,
        • password: “”,
        • database: “bamazon_DB”
    • You will then need to open the bamazonSchema file in MySQL Workbench and press the lightning button at the top left to create the database.

  3. You will also need a few Node packages for this all to work. From the root folder for this app in your command line, install the following:

    • You can choose to rely on the dependencies in the package.json file and just load npm install in your command line, or you can load each package individually:

      • MySQL

        • Type npm install mysql into your command line. Allow it to finish installing then move on to the next…
      • Inquirer

        • Type npm install inquirer into your command line. Allow it to finish installing then move on to the next…
      • Console.table

        • Type npm install console.table into your command line. Allow it to finish installing then you’re finished with this step.

Using this app

  1. On startup…

    • This app will display all of the items available for sale. To run the app type the following into your command line:

    node bamazonCustomer.js

    • The app will then give you the following information for all items available for “purchase” in an easy to read table:
      • Item ID
      • Name
      • Price Here is how it will look:

    Image of initial run

  2. Shopping

    • Answer the questions the app asks you to place your order!

      Here is how it will look:

    Image of app running full single order then finishing

    Image of app running full single order then starting second order

    Image of app exiting after first inquiry

    Image of app if insufficient stock available